November 10, 2022 | BPS Activities
Based on the results of final
selection and the decision of the 2022 BPS-Statistics Tasikmalaya Municipality
Recruitment Committee Candidate Recruitment Committee meeting, we present the
Determination of the Selection Results of Officers who are declared PASS, which
can be accessed at the following link:
The committee's decision is final
and cannot be contested. Participants who are declared PASS are required to
follow the instructions in the announcement letter, thank you.
Congratulations on being a part of
"Recording to Build the
One Data on Social Protection and
Community Empowerment Programs
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota TasikmalayaJl. Sukarindik No. 71 Tasikmalaya 46151
Jawa Barat - IndonesiaE-mail: bps3278@bps.go.idTelp: +62 265 346022Fax: +62 265 346031
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