Portrait of the Minapolitan Area of ​​Tasikmalaya Municipality 2020-2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tasikmalaya Municipality

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Portrait of the Minapolitan Area of ​​Tasikmalaya Municipality 2020-2023

Catalog Number : 5401007.3278
Publication Number : 32780.24050
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 13, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.36 MB


This publication was prepared as an effort to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential and development of the Minapolitan area in Tasikmalaya Municipality, with its wealth of natural resources, which has great opportunities for developing the fisheries sector. Through a Minapolitan approach, it is hoped that this area can become a center for economic growth that focuses on the integrated fisheries sector. This publication presents comprehensive data and analysis regarding various aspects that influence the development of the Minapolitan area, including human resource potential, infrastructure, technology and supporting policies.
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