Tasikmalaya Municipality in March 2023 experienced an inflation of 0.07 percent - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tasikmalaya Municipality

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Tasikmalaya Municipality latest macro indicators: TPT (6.55%); Percentage of poor people (11,53%); HDI (75,47); LPE (5.96%); Inflation rate (2.84%).

Tasikmalaya Municipality in March 2023 experienced an inflation of 0.07 percent

Tasikmalaya Municipality in March 2023 experienced an inflation of 0.07 percent

April 3, 2023 | BPS Activities

In March 2023, Tasikmalaya Municipality experienced inflation because in general the price developments for various commodity goods/services showed an increase. Based on the results of monitoring by BPS-Statistics Tasikmalaya Municipality, in March 2023 there was inflation of 0.07 percent, or an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 112.70 in February 2023 to 112.78 in March 2023. The inflation rate for the calendar year (January-March ) 2023 of 0.89 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (March 2023 against March 2022) of 5.51 percent.


Several commodities whose prices increased in March 2023 included filter clove cigarettes, purebred chicken eggs, clove cigarettes, garlic and gasoline. Meanwhile, commodities that experienced a decline in price included rice, shallots, jengkol, prescription drugs, and oranges. For more information, click here.

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